Our Team

Valerie Lee was born in New York but considers herself a Southerner now, having been in the South for the better part of the last 35+ years. She is married with 3 grown children and 4 grandchildren. Her and her husband now share their home with two dogs – a Puggle and her rescue Yorkie mix – who truly rules the house.
Valerie has been in mortgage lending since 1988. But in 1993 she saw a need to help fill the gap in the market to provide more options to potential home buyers and owners. Mortgage brokers were relatively new back then, and she began her company to help those potential buyers and owners realize their dream of home ownership and help existing owners refinance into better interest rates. Through the ups and downs of the past almost 30 years, she has navigated the market and continued to provide consistent and excellent service with access to some of the best rates through her network of various banks and mortgage lenders, tailoring the loan to fit her client’s individual needs. This is what has set Upstate Mortgage apart from the competition and has afforded her clients the best programs available while also keeping their rates and closing costs lower than most.
Contact Valerie or one of her colleagues to get started with your new mortgage.